Becky Bates Commercial Demo - Believable - Conversational - Real

Radio Ad


Becky Bates Commercial Demo - Believable - Conversational - Real

Female voiceover spots for Ross, Northface, Travel, Teen PSA

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
birds bees. Because being naturally good is in our nature here. Feeling blue takes on an entirely different meaning. Oh, you're back. Why go anywhere else when you're shopping at ross and you find that perfect dress And you wonder if your day could get any better? It sure can now take a look at that price. Say yes to less. And the dress being a teen with depression isn't easy Day or Night 24 7. We're here for you. So we could let Mcdonald's new crispy, juicy chicken sandwich speak for itself. But then who would speak for the pickles and their critical cut? I know right chocolate because it never judges and it's always there for you. My moment. My dove. A new way to roll a new way to Seoul the all new Kia soul data with North Face the outdoors is yours. Yeah. I was out grocery shopping and I just couldn't imagine like how did people even survive before mornings are perfected plant protein. Remember when you used to hide my vegetables in my food? Mom, yep. Look at me now. Yeah.