Character Demo - Kids, Animation, Video Games, Anime, Funny, Cute



This is a small sampling of some of the character work I've done. Happy to try a read for your character.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh, what a lovely day to be summoned. Hi, I'm Pixley. It's lovely to meet you. It doesn't take magic to get a better auto loan. Don't let dealerships dictate your deal, finance or refinance at a T. F. C. You today? All loans are subject to credit ***** approval. So we both know that I'm the guy for the job. So what are you waiting for? Why are you even looking at these other people? Just go ahead and hire me for the job already? Hello. My name is taylor and I'm glad you're here to help. I'm sending you a document brief on our situation here. You can see it at the bottom of the screen. Oh, hi. Hey. Thanks for all those carrots. Each one I eat makes me fly a little faster.