Darth Vader (Star Wars)

Profile photo for Ben van Diepen
Not Yet Rated


Additional Darth Vader voice dialogue, not from the movies, but from one of the Canon novels.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It is instructive, isn't it? This place it is un forgiving of weakness, as it must be. Not a problem for the strong, but sometimes the strong mistake, their strength and so demonstrate weakness. Do that. Do you think treachery begins in the deed, my friend? No. It begins in the thoughts. And so we must draw out thoughts of a traitor to have them manifest in deeds and thus reveal the truth. Do you agree? I hear nothing with which to disagree. You were a trader, were you not, Lord Vader? It is not treachery when it is deserved to the jet I to pad May to Obi Wan to all those you loved. Yes. You think I long for the past, but you are wrong. Anakin Skywalker was weak. I destroyed him. My memories feed my anger, and my anger feeds my strength. And so I am able to serve you and the force better. But your doubt continue. I find your excess of doubt disturbing. And unless you can release your doubt than I cannot serve you as I desire you wish to destroy me. Lord Vader, I wish to destroy your doubt so that you too can destroy the threat of Anakin Skywalker, then let it be so, my young apprentice. The deeds of Darth Vader speak of loyalty. Thank you, my master.