Virtual Reality VR - training, video game, immersion, meditation

Profile photo for Beth Stewart
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Voice Assistant


VR is everywhere - training, education, healthcare, gaming - this demo gives you a feel for the flexibility I offer to bring something special to your project, app, utility, or interface

Vocal Characteristics




North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Virtual reality offers every business the chance to rethink how they present to and engage with their customers. VR opens new possibilities for showcasing products and services. Virtual reality is here. Oh good. You're here. Put on this apron. Welcome to the crazy Kitchen chef is going nuts because he can't find any ingredients. So come on, follow me. Be careful not to knock anything over. I'm sure you've seen the field of honor and I'm sure some injured alliance rats can be found on the field, find one, bind him with these chains and then bring him to me and I'll let you know what to do. Just look at the battleground maybe beneath one of the bodies of our honorable warriors. You are called by the charge nurse because your six year old patient with Kawasaki disease developed hives, difficulty breathing and hypertension while receiving an I. V. I. G. Infusion. What do you do? We're coming up on that other boat, stretch it out, hold it out. Got lots of wind, lots of wind. That boat is starting to pull away from you. I want you to catch them in here. You can even control the weather, push that cloud out of the way there it goes. Now it's bright and sunny. Be aware you can interact with anything in this room, touch the water now it doesn't really feel wet but you feel the resistance right? Pretty cool. Huh?