Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Yorke Fryer
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This Demo showcases Yorke Fryer's wide range of abilities for Commercials.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I see you walking down the street Nothing but a few bucks in your pocket wondering where my don't come on, son, you got ahead to McDonalds. Not only is that dollar menu beyond compare, stay open all night. Dot, dot, dot dot I'm loving it. A trick smartphone is loaded with a dual core processor at 16 gigabytes of memory that lets you explore your world like there's no tomorrow. Wanna watch a side fi movie while going back and forth of your friends through email? And I am about that SciFi movie. No problem. Pre Order yours today. Ice Cube is cold, but Coors Light is super cold. Fresh brewed Coors Life, the world's most refreshing beer. Leave it to me. Yes, I'm getting good with cars. Please jump on and hold on tight. We're going with a beat. That's how we started. We opened our eyes to everyone, everything everywhere we dreamed, loved, try, created and the world responded with a beat. That's how we grow, because when you listen to someone's heart, your own beats to the same rhythm and the world beats to yours. Just open your heart