Female Announcer/ Voice of god

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TV & Radio Imaging showcasing an array of delivery styles. from program intros to DJ Hypes.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General) Jamaican (Patois) Nigerian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello and welcome to the Vibe Time show. This is D J P I Z. Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for it. Unforgettable experience. Let's the music Lift your soul and shopping your senses. Welcome to the vibe Time Show with D J P I Z What one people is the five time show with Amanda Michael D J P I Z Scratching it pretty weak And upon the wheels of steel Boyaca five, four, 321 You're listening to the best d j d J P i c You're listening to the vibe Time show with D J P i C This is D J P i z on the vibe time show Don't touch that dial Scratching it pretty wicked and wheels of steel is D J P I Z