Friendly Engaging and Technical Explainer Video or White Board Demo

Video Narration


A sampling of my voice in the context of explainer video content.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Okay. Apple has a plan and a promise to make apple carbon neutral. Wait, no, we've already done that to make every single apple product carbon neutral with 100% recycled or renewable materials by 2030. You love geeky little things. Little geeky gadgets, shirts, magnets, posters. Anything that helps you tell the world look, look how geeky I am. You also want to do good. You want to be a good geek. This randomness also drives protocols that give the definately computer unlimited capacity with every new mining computer that participates the network scales out to process and store more data. Meet skipper. He was shivering and hiding all alone in the park. He was sick and in pain, marina found and rescued him taking him to the vet. He's all better now. But marina is not allowed to keep pets at home. Meet blank. He or she is friendly. Relatable and has a problem. You have the same problem And we've made this video to remind you now, meet our product or service. It solved blanks problem. And now he or she owns a pet monkey. We can solve the problem for you too. Don't you want to pet monkey our product or service solving your problem today?