\"Shavin' Beards\" (Skit)

Profile photo for Brandon Belong
Not Yet Rated


I recorded this skit on a whim one day after getting out of the shower. I was shaving and made myself laugh a little so I decided to grab my electric razor for sound effects and recorded this. Enjoy :)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian - West) North American (General) Swedish


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
on this week's episode of Manly Men Shaving beards, I'm hans and I'm franz and together we're shaving beards now. Excuse me. Which way to the bathroom? Oh, oh my what a nice beer did you have? What? You're looking at me like that? You wouldn't want to be on television, would you? No, no, not even a bit. Everybody wants to be on television though, franz. You take the right and take the left. Hey, what are you doing? Don't worry, just come over here a minute. Just him. Hey, get off me, get off me. The what? What the **** are you doing? What the ****! Look into the camera. There is no camera that will shut them up until we're finished. Right franz. Good idea, putting a sock in his mouth and a little more and they're what the was that Goodbye on next week's episode of Manly Men Shaving beards, this guy, who the **** are you guys Until next time I'm hans and I'm franz and where Manly Men shaving beards?