English. 4 Narrations. Educational, Sports, Exercise, Real Estate

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Video Narration


I had these 4 narrations professionally edited and put to music by a company I hired to assist in my pursuit of a voice over career. \"Under the Sea\" is elearning. \"Bill Belichick\" is sports related. \"Workout Tips\" discusses lifting weights and \"Real Estate Valuation\" is video narration.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
As scientists begin to explore the vast areas beneath the North and South Poles, they're discovering complex ecosystems with life forms they've never seen before. And because they've only explored small sections of these areas, they're left to wonder what else is down there. When determining the value of a real estate asset, there are certain factors you need to consider first, the sales price of comparable properties in the immediate area. These are homes of similar size, home condition and amenities. This gives you a clear view of what the market will pay since taking over as head coach of the New England Patriots in 2000. Bill Belichick has set a new standard for excellence in American sports. His teams have been an extension of his hard nosed mindset playing with ruthless efficiency on both sides of the ball. And the results have been historic when working out. It's way too easy to fall in love with your rep count. You think the more I'm doing, the stronger I'm getting, but it's much more important to focus on the proper form. This is how you ensure that you're activating the right muscle groups and maximizing results