Animation/Videogame Character Reel

Profile photo for Brian Ting
Not Yet Rated


A series of short dialogues as a sample of my voice for different types of characters.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello. My name is brian M. Ting. I live in los Angeles California and I'm currently unrepresented. Just whatever you do. Don't open the mom. Yeah, I'm flying. I haven't been able to get down since this morning. This is so embarrassing. Wait, since you're here. Mhm. Would you mind pulling me down, please? Oh, I have an idea. Why don't I just eat him a little bit at a time First. I'll start with a finger. Then maybe an ear. Yes. And that way he'll still be alive to tell us what we want. You're looking for an appraisal. Well, then you come to the right place. I may not know my way around them. Fancy computers. Are those bow mechanic. Who's It's what's It's But hui historical artifacts are my Jm. Do you not understand every instinct you acted upon? Fell right into the palm of my hand. It's almost funny how perfectly you followed the trail of bread crumbs. I've left you. Well, the grand mistress told me not to trust outsiders, but I suppose I can make an exception. Just this once. Since you shared some of your treat with me. All right, everybody listen up. Because this may be our only chance at this. I'm counting on you. I'm counting on all of you now get a good night's rest. Everybody because when the sun comes up this morning, everything changes. Mhm