Commercial Reel 2 (Character)

Profile photo for Brian Ting
Not Yet Rated
Online Ad


Another series of 'ads' I wrote to show more character and range.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello, my name is brian M Ting, I live in los Angeles California and I'm currently unrepresented male polish fellas, it ain't the fifties anymore. Ladies don't want the gritty dirty cowboy hands. They want male polish, the first nail polish made by men for men order now and receive a free sample pack of male polishes three original colors, alpha, red, sigma green and omega black. Not only that, but male polish is completely organic and for every 10 orders sold will plant a tree in the amazon rainforest, save the planet kill gender norms order now male polish for christmas. This year I asked santa for something that will give me the edge over all the other kids during recess. When I checked my stocking and saw air Bundy's in them, I knew I had it in the bag during pe class in the morning, my friend leo totally ate my dust and then at lunch I was dunking on Julius after school, all the girls were telling me, I totally look taller too and I still made it home on time to catch my favorite streamer call or order now and shipping is free air bun, geez! For the kids that want a little extra kick. Do you guys ever find yourselves in the usual spot just knocking down a couple of delicious rush energies with the boys, when all of a sudden something in the sky catches your eyes at first you think nothing of it, but as it gets closer, you notice that it's some old witch on a broomstick and she says, if you want to escape my grasp and be free, you must answer my riddles three. And you're thinking, man, I sure hope I'm not the only one hearing this because I failed english last year. Sure enough, you look around and your friends are just as dumbfounded as you are except for eric because he passed a p english, everyone's chanting eric's name and just when you think he's gonna lay the verbal Smackdown, he starts shaking his can of rush energy and when he opens it out, come the bald dude in tights yelling, never fear, Captain rushes here. So you and your friends are just watching them fly around chasing each other the fate of humanity on your shoulders and you're wondering whatever happened to the whole riddles part. Then the bell for fifth period rings the witch and the bald guy are gone. You talked your can of Russians recycling and everyone's walking to class like they didn't just witness grown adults in costumes physically assaulting each other. Is that just me or no?