Tours and Attractions Demos



Cleveland Botanical Garden
Library of Congress
California State Parks
Prairie Pothole Region
John F. Kennedy Library
Titanic: The Exhibition

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
comprising 3400 shimmering glass panels, the new conservatory at the Cleveland Botanical Garden resembles a giant three dimensional jigsaw puzzle. The spectacular structure, the centerpiece of a $37 million expansion, encompasses two unique ecosystems. Bees, diametrically opposed environments house many unusual animals and more than 350 species of plants. Our knowledge of ourselves and the world around us grows on Lee through the accumulation of countless bits of information laid down like bricks as a foundation for wisdom. Libraries are the intellectual brick yards of our civilization, fundamental to our survival and growth. This is the largest library in the world. More than 84 million items are housed in three buildings on 535 miles of shelves. The accumulated facts, fantasies, philosophies and fears of mankind are brought here in every medium yet devised to record information. Welcome to the California State Parks Directory of Natural Resource. Is California's parks air here for the entire family to enjoy their your parks, and we urge you to abide by basic conservation guidelines on days designated is dry days. Please do not light matches or start fires of any kind in any of our parks. The threat of forest fires is a constant concern to California foresters. Campfires are permitted, but in designated camp fire zones only. This is the prairie pothole region, a mosaic of grasses and wetlands. These tall grasses and wildflowers, deep rooted and resilient, thrive in the rich soil surrounding the wetlands. A haven for an incredible diversity of life. Welcome, The John F. Kennedy Library and Museum is dedicated to the memory of our nation's 35th president and to all those who, through the art of politics, seek a new and better world. Our purpose is to advance the study and understanding of President Kennedy's life and career and the times in which he lived. Welcome to Titanic. The exhibition. Please remain in this orientation area while we introduce the tour and explain how this easy to use device can make your exhibition experience more rewarding before we begin. Please take a look at your listening device. You can select any numbered object in the exhibit simply by typing in its number by using the keyboard on the front of the wand. This allows you to wander freely throughout the exhibit, but we will lead you sequentially as your first choice, you will lose nothing in the narrative by moving head and back at your own choosing.