Cal Koat Compilation Reel 2020

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Demo reel of recent voice over jobs awarded including radio, television, internet and podcasting. All audio production by Cal Koat at Calcopyrite Communications Inc.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
kilts Nomadic by nature musical by acquisition bent on global conquest You're tuned to the best in contemporary Celtic. You've got your killed Tilt help with Fraser Gaster Vote before December 31st at the Afro news dot c A. Through the years, the sea a rewards program has grown, including the addition of C $8 and over 300 partners from coast to coast. Here comes one. Now watch. Okay, he's ready to leave. Yo, put the seat down, will you? Down, boy, There's a tip alert for training little guys, too. Hey, little man, put the seat down the finale off. World Wide phenomenon Because I have something worth living for. The motion picture event off a generation saw in heart pounding three D Only one hero can fill these boots. Hey, you! Yes, you stay tuned. We have more great hits to come on. Tribe FM. I don't have time to tell you everything right now. You have to help me reverse the tragedy that happened in this house in this prime, Frank used to hit the ball a country mile, make incredible shots on Blais with unstoppable power, focus on energy. But these days, Frank is half the golfer he used to be turned to. BC's best newscast CTV News Channel nine. Your Home. Your News from National Geographic Entertaining You to three has the potential to revolutionize digital three D technologies. Three D Coming Die Max Theaters everywhere. Scientists are baffled, a tropical freezes sweeping across Guyana and the kids are eating it up, and who can blame them? Frees up. It's the only free Z treat that's made with real tropical fruit juices like five finger guava, passion fruit, mango, sugarcane, 11 Delicious and exotic flavors in All Your Taking a Walk World Side With You I don't You tried Celtic Tread and wasn't half bad, but it's kind of like a chart with songs young at heart like a contemporary list from kilt. In a twist, check out our monthly top 10 at world Canada dot com. It's Celtic with an old soul for the young at heart, but you can't be young forever. That's against the parts of the You've got your kilt kilt with Patricia Fraser, Chalco Pyrite Communications