Casey Castille VO Reel

Radio Ad


A sampler of some of my recent voiceover work. This includes a radio ad, telephone messaging in English and French, and a podcast.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


French (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We're surrounded by blue light. Most optical lenses only protect your eyes from harmful UV light. Xeneize blocks lenses block both UV and high energy visible blue light. Thank you for inquiring about working with us. We look forward to speaking with you. If you leave a message and include your contact information will respond promptly. Battery low connected connecting power on you have an incoming call to support this fun fact and then I'll let you go. I have a role model for my public speaking voice. Loni Anderson playing jennifer Marlowe in W. K. R. P in Cincinnati. Pull up an old episode and listen to her. She's warm, she's engaging, she's mellifluous but she's also articulate and commanding. There's no question. She's smart and she means business. What's your public speaking voice role model And what do they look like in jeans?