Comedy Kid's book read in English with female narration.



This was a short funny, moody kid's book about a sour grape that pouts the entire time and has a cute bratty feel to it. Narrated by me in English.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I am a grape. A sour grape. Somebody upsets me. I'll remember it. Somebody wrongs me. I won't forget it. Somebody insults me. I'll never ignore it, nope. You see that banana over there? That banana slipped and bumped into me so I'm holding a grudge. You see that orange? That orange didn't call me back for a week grudge. You see that line, That line borrow my scarf and never returned it grudge. I suppose I got pretty thin skin for a great. Nobody steps on this grape, granted it wasn't always this way. I fell off the plate. I lost my family left in the rain, almost got squished. Some baby tried to eat me. They flicked me off the table. Now I'm bitter and I like the old grudges. I am a sour grape. I have a purple cape and I'm a sour grape.