Commercial Demo

Radio Ad


Just a sample of the kinda work I can brink your company... I have great range that very very few have and I will deliver the best in sound and voice.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
life is a road that's traveled differently, It takes us places. Sometimes we have ups and sometimes we have downs, but the reality is it's just life and whether you like it or not, the road keeps coming. If we were to talk about Mcdonald's, I would have to talk about the new Big Mac Supreme. It has two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce cheese and now bacon. So instead of reaching for something, you shouldn't be reaching for. Reach for a built bar. Trust me, you won't be disappointed, especially with the taste built bars built to last memories, have a soundtrack and music can be a time machine, bringing you back to them, back to that car, to dancing to that first kiss. And then 30 years goes by. Hello, dare I am frank de pancake. The unofficial spokes cake for I hope the reason for me being here today is simple. My fellow menu items and I would like to remind you that breakfast tastes great no matter what time of day it is, our world can change in a heartbeat. But we adapt. We come back stronger. We discover new ways to thrive to realize our aspirations with F. I. U. Online, pursue your dream wherever your heart desires. Now is your chance to find out what it's really like to manage multiples with the new multiple mania game for the iphone, all of us have different needs for our hair. So when it comes to getting our haircut, you want to make sure that you've got a choice for me, that choice is simple. All star cuts