Motorsport/Radio Ad

Radio Ad


This ad was for a Motorsport business. An aggressive read that helps capture the thrill of riding outdoors.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There's a K X motorcycle for champions of all ages, introducing the latest K X lineup that's built with the race winning power and performance riders expect from the K X name. At the top of the line up is the full size championship proving K X 4 50 F, with a slim lightweight aluminum perimeter frame and quick grabbing responsive power. The legendary K X 2 50 f features improved engine power for quicker acceleration and an improved suspension for better bump absorption. Super many contenders should look no further than the durable 99 cc k x 100 the same bike to help launch stars like Bryan Vila. Photo Build, Confidence and Trust in the Young Riders with the Kawasaki KFX 85 K X 65 decided with proportionate power, durability and adjust ability. Kawasaki KFX. The bike that builds Champions Visit K and Hotspots Little York, New York T K and hotspots dot com for directions and details. C k N h. We're making life on K NH Bogota Sports Yeah,