Van Buren Hospital Commerical

Profile photo for Tim Chessman
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


A straightforward, neutral, conversational read in a friendly, reassuring tone for a hospital specializing in cardiac care.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
as a 50 something year old man who loves adventure. I've had my share of mishaps, broken arm from a nasty fall, a concussion from a ill advised header, and each time they fixed me up here in my hometown. Then one of my heart valves called it quits. Friends said, Go across the river, you'll get better treatment. But I discovered that Van Buren Hospital is the only cardiac centre of excellence near me and that they could replace my valve without open heart surgery. So maybe I'm not a kid anymore. But thanks to Van Buren Hospital, I sure feel like one. I'm right here talking to you today alive because Van Buren Hospital is right here, too.