Character Demo Reel - Engaging Conversational Believable Real Person

Profile photo for Christopher C. Odom
Not Yet Rated


African American, Black, Charactery, Funny, Deep Voice, Mysterious, Intriguing, Comedy, Humor, Announcer, Warm, Engaging, Energetic, Storyteller, Performer, Animation, Television, Film

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Thank you all for coming. I'll start the meeting with a simple statement. Here help. I've summoned you all here for the sole purpose of destroying the theory ins I fixed your favorite blueberry waffles. My secret ingredient is love and butter. You are a motor. If I were to play polka, you withdraw the king of foos. It was the worst story I ever heard. Something far more terrible than could even be conjured in your worst nightmare. I had a vision of us combining our powers to create a new weapon to cure the crop and destroy the swag neutrons. What do you attribute your success to? You know, I just take it one scratcher at a time. Stick to the fundamental scratch up, scratch down. Hey, it's your old buddy hutch for Asheville furniture and mattress outlet. The a bead, a gas mixer mix one is used, for example, for shielding gas explication. If no mixed gasses are available, go north. Look for houses with candles at their windows. Listen, we're tired of you and your mess now and if you're not out of this town in three days, country wood products, It begins on american soil. The advantage of the material is, it's good hand ability, clouds of dust swirled up around my feet as I ran with my head in my hands. I bowed over the kitchen table