Chris Yule Demo

Profile photo for Chris Yule
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Samples from commercials, character work and an audiobook.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
at Intel are rock stars aren't like your rock stars. Our rock star is a 52 year old engineer who helped create the USB. After all, we've got 41,000 engineers jamming on the future every day this fall on PBS kids Dinosaur Train is making all local stops for fun adventure and super cool friends. There it was that sound again. Cate McCready froze the soccer ball rolled past her, but she didn't even notice it was the same sound she'd been hearing all afternoon. Hi and silvery like little bells ringing. Kate looked around the backyard. What could it be? Super Billy, I have you where I want you. And now I will destroy you If I could. Just if this would If I could just get this stupid thing to work. Why does nothing work? Hollingsworth Hollingsworth