Commercial Demo Reel 2022 (Australian)

Online Ad


This demo demonstrates a mix of bright, youthful energy and warm, natural connection with listeners.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, I'm CJ and this is my voice demo. What if you could change the way you think. Change the way you view the world. Would you? What if you could become more adaptable, more resilient? A problem solver who sees opportunities and leads others? What if you could change how you think, just by changing how you learn; WHERE you learn. The University of Adelaide. Cause and effect. It's a powerful force. It drives us. It drives the planet. If you're curious about how one thing affects another, if you have that kind of mind, you could apply it. Because the real world affects the financial markets. So take some time and get informed. Figure out all the connections, understand why and take a position. IG markets - Get Thinking. This commercial has no jingles, no catchy slogan or hard sells. We work with a select group of small businesses to help create meaningful change in the community. If you have a business idea or business that's targeted at helping create change, contact us today. And that's it. If you'd rather keep your details private, shop with safe door. Once registered, you can shop online without ever giving out your credit card details again, which means the Internet is now a very safe place to shop. Keep your personal details private; Shop with Safedoor. At Bendigo Bank, we like to help communities grow. We concentrate on delivering you great products and services, because we know that if you grow, the community will grow with you. Enjoy incredible value with all new summer range! You can now upgrade to an extra large and get 50% more pizza for just $3. Fuel up on flavour this summer. You don't have to quit alone. You've got family to call on, mates to count on. In fact, there are 141 fewer Aussie smokers each week. Now is the time to join the quitters.