Commercial demo. Smart, edgy, conversational, real lady next door

Profile photo for claire cunningham
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


voice by Claire Cunningham and production done professionally by 7th Wave Recordings

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'm not used to my car being the coolest piece of technology I own. But let's just say I've gotten the hang of it the all new all electric Volkswagen I. D. For savory flavoring and packed with goodness. It's not just a snack, it's an awakening, it's your play time. It wasn't about looking better, it was about feeling better in the few months. I've been on jenny craig, I've lost almost £40. But more importantly I feel like myself again for full vibrant hair that nature intended. Choosing body made with 97% naturally derived ingredients. It'll bring out your hair. So beauty in body from Aveda. Go ahead. Open those curtains because with Windex your home will be warmer than it's ever been before. Let in the light Windex, we may look different, we may love different but just beneath these differences we're all the same. Support equality everywhere. A message from the human rights campaign