Pfizer's Legacy - Matter of Fact, Accessible, Deliberate, Natural

Video Narration


A beautiful year end video I was proud to be a part of - matter of fact, down to earth, conversational.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Every crisis provides the opportunity for a breakthrough. In 1849, we made our first break through an inventive and groundbreaking way to treat parasites. We discovered how to get life saving supplies to the Union Army. We broke through the barriers of mass production, making penicillin and other antibiotics accessible on a massive scale. The life preserving drugs known as antibiotics met the challenges of war and contributing to one of the biggest life saving measures of the 20th century. We're entering a new era of medicine in which the natural lifespan may be greatly expanded. We fought polio with an oral vaccine so millions of Children could be Children. Again, we innovated a needle that would be one of the key tools in eradicating smallpox. The disease has been wiped off the face of the earth. We took on some of the greatest causes of pain, illness, and early death and fought them with treatments that improved the quality of our hearts bodies. And even helped the way we love. We harnessed cutting edge science to create breakthrough therapies that help people with cancer live longer. And now we have broken through the biggest health crisis of our time with our partner. We have developed a vaccine for Covid 19 yeah. Over 170 years of breakthroughs and we're just getting started. Yeah.