Introduction to National Meetings

Video Narration


Voice over for internal educational video on the business importance of national meetings and requirements for staff members working at those meetings, for The Advisory Board Company

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Theo Advisory Board company is a membership of 2500 of the country's largest and most progressive health systems and medical centers. We strive to provide best practice research and analysis to the health care industry, focusing on business strategy operations and general management issues. With every advisory board membership, our members have access to research through a number of outlets. The crown jewels of these adviser board services are our national meetings. Every year, the Adviser Board company hosts more than 150 meetings in major cities across the country. Each meeting is an opportunity for our members to hear the current year's research on the best practices and strategies of America's leading healthcare organizations. In addition, members can network with other industry leaders and meet with their advisor board contacts. Our national meetings are organized by program, which allows us to deliver specific research to the appropriate audience. For example, the Cardiovascular Roundtable meeting Siri's is tailored specifically to physicians and executives in the field of cardiology. Some programs are so tailored to a particular audience that the advisory board may restrict registration based on title. The goal of every national meeting is to present the most current issues in American healthcare today, we have found that our research is so valuable to our members that there is a direct correlation between attendance and the renewal of advisory board memberships. Historical data has shown us that there is a 95% chance of membership renewal if a senior level executive attends one of our national meetings. These numbers clearly demonstrate the value of national member meetings and their importance to both the client and firm. From a strategic standpoint, national meetings are a clear differentiator that set the company apart from most of our competition. To ensure that we're researching and presenting on the industry's most pressing issues, we ask attendees to grade every advisor Board presentation they attend every meeting Binder is equipped with meeting assessments, asking our attendees to rate the applicability and overall value of our research. At the conclusion of each day, advisory board staffers collect these forms and calculate the results. Each meeting receives a content G, P A and an overall service grade. These scores are incredibly important to the firm and guide future research and service efforts. While sharing our research with our members is the main purpose of national meetings are overall goal is to create a flawless V I. P experience. For all who attend way, use only top hotels such as the Four Seasons and the Ritz Carlton that share our service ethic. Each logistical detail is treated with the utmost importance from appearance and demeanor to attitude and conversation. Every advisor award company employees present at a national meeting must adhere to standard protocols. When a member enters the meeting here, she is immediately greeted by an adviser board employees. This is our opportunity to make a wonderful first impression. Every advisory board employees must abide by a strict dress code. An example of incorrect attire for women might include aboard expression, slouching posture, loud colors, no pantyhose and open toed shoes. Correct attire consists of good posture, a conservative suit, pantyhose, close toed shoes and a pleasant smile. An example of incorrect attire for men might include a loose tie, wrinkled shirt, no suit jacket and standing with hands in pockets. Correct attire consists of a matching suit, jacket and pants, appropriate tie and correct posture. We impress our members by overwhelming them with our courteous and unparalleled level of personal service. our demeanor is poised, elegant and refined. We never eat in front of attendees, always open doors and offer to carry everything and are always proactive and engaging. Each meeting has many moving parts, all organized and managed by the meeting planner. Before each meeting, the staff will come together for a pre conference meeting to assign roles and go over logistics adviser. Board staff members contribute significantly to each section of the meeting and served in many capacities. On site A Walker is typically an advisory board. Employees of short tenure, who stands in the lobby of the Fairmont Hotel and once a group is gathered, escorts them over to the advisory board. Here. The attendees will be met by another adviser, board employees who will greet them, help them into the elevator and pushed the eighth floor. But once on the eighth floor, members will be greeted by 1/3 advisory board employees who will offer to take luggage and coats and will show members the way to the meeting room Off site. These three roles may be condensed into one greeter who is stationed at the front door of the hotel and shows members the way to the meeting room. As members enter the meeting space, they find the registration desk here. Meeting Attendees can pick up their name tags and a binder that contains the meeting materials. The registration desk is usually run by two or more tenured adviser board employees who introduced themselves to members offer to carry binders and escort attendees into the meeting room to help them find a seat. Lunch is an amenity we always offer our arriving guests, once you have escorted the attendee to their seat, remind them of the light lunch provided and offered to assist in any way following lunch. Our members are escorted into the ballroom and the main session begins. Each session is complete with slides projected onto a screen, handouts of those slides in each binder and a speaker from the Educational Services Department who presents the research. The provided meeting materials are a true team effort from many departments across the firm. The research is compiled and written by our syndicated department. The slides are created and formatted by our Creative Services Department, and the audio visual details are arranged and set up by the meetings department. Each presentation will break for about 10 minutes to offer members a chance to get up and stretch their legs. During this time, all advisory board staff must be attention opening doors for attendees and assisting with member requests. The registration desk now becomes a location where members confined order forms for copies of our publications registration forms. For the rest of the meeting, Siri's teleconference schedules and registration forms suggested restaurants, messages and any other information that may be noteworthy. After the two or sometimes three presentations air over day one closes with a reception here. Members are offered a full bar and ordered. This is a great time for staff members to mingle with members and discuss just about anything within reason. Some of our higher touch meeting Siri's will also include a dinner event. Please check with the meeting planner of each Siris for these details. On day two, we greet our attendees with a light breakfast. As always, it is important to welcome each attendee with a meaningful good morning. Final presentations were given, and the meeting adjourns at approximately 12:30 p.m. At German is also an extremely busy time. We continue to provide flawless service from arranging transportation and checking members out of their rooms to shipping their meeting materials back to their offices and cleaning up our space from the moment a member walks into the meeting location to the moment here she leaves, it is our intention and sole purpose to treat each and every member like royalty way. Aim for 100% excellent service, going far above and beyond what is expected of us to create a seamless and meaningful experience? Onley. Then will we have undeniably shown our members just how much they are truly appreciated. If you would like to staff the national meeting, please follow these simple steps to properly sign up. First, select a meeting date and location. Most staffers attend meetings that fall within their territory or are in locations where they have a high concentration of members. The current registration form for each meeting Siri's can be found on your public outlook folders under health care meetings. Once you have selected a date, you must get approval from your manager next, fill out of staffing application and email it to the meeting manager. An electronic staffing application can be found on the board room page under the meetings department, the boardroom page also contains a list of all meeting planners and the meeting Siri's. Each of them is planning. The meeting planner will review your application and assess the staffing needs for that meeting. Once you receive a confirmed email from the meeting manager, you may make your travel arrangements. The meetings department is always looking for great staffers, so please sign up to staff a meeting today.