Voice characters / Accents / Animation



A brief demonstration of just some of Chris' extensive range of character voices and animation favourites.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There's 20% off storewide, $20 training for your old car, battery free sausage sizzle and a gift for the 1st 100 people. Captain Obvious Helping deliver super Spotter specials Welcome back to July is your time to buy with your host the bill for my manufacturers logbook service with auto leaders. Shall I require rubber gloves to insulate myself from the shock of hidden surprises? Let's see smooth rolling green hills of oil, it for annoyed of laughter, tears and beautiful or is dancing. I don't go on seeing it with my own two eyes. They were big and green and had the pain fingers. Oh, don't tell me it's one of those ghastly techie foldout pools. You don't have servants toe. Hold things up for you. Fascinating. Any further mission, Mr. Speaker? Sam Barreiro has two meals for $20. Willpower is excited for it. Fine. I'll prove you wrong. Come on, pal. Don't. This isn't. Stay there if you want up to you by logic, the science that deals when the process is used in sound thinking. And recently I remember when I was a young lad in the corps, we had a great battle. The sheer angles. Thie art of evasion in my prime, nobody in this academy could touch, may feel pride neither. Twin town Thursday, May 17 More forget that rubbish clock glowing and cleaning. Just sounds like heart walk. But I saw it will stop. It would be faster to simply attack the and city now before the princess arrives Her Oh, you poor useless vision, Lis. Waste of a weevil. We can't just attack the ends on provoked and no, sir. Swelling astride. He's ******* gear. Ueno Things scratched up. Give the truck. So when you put two trainees, you it's gonna be black Diamond. God dammit, You unplug the machine, honey. Populace said not to come home until we found the orb here. But it's impossible, innit? What? Look, Wayne, you We were close this ***. I said no. I said no. Absolutely. What? Maybe just one. Why do you think floor key is with so much so Roll rag now? So many batters and no one to play with Professor will be. Do be. Do what do I love your work? Did you get my My messages? Can sure did. If you could convince him he's like, way obsessed with me.