Video Narration


Voiceover for internet video

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
our highways maybe less traveled. Mhm. Our parks and trails absent of laughter, our streets less crowded and inside buildings shed only a quiet hum versus a chorus of activity. Yet in the quiet of our homes, talented people steadily work to make a difference. First responders continue to keep us safe. Scientists preserve our environment in the calmness of wetland surveyors keep construction, moving water and wastewater operators keep our water clean. The passion and willingness to make a difference to help, to stand up and say I am part of the solution emerges at S C. H. We applaud one by one the dedicated government professionals who help keep our communities healthy. The cities, the county's state and federal organizations who in the midst of an uncertain future, remains steadfast on creating our future. They stayed focused on creating a place where we are safe, our water clean and our infrastructure sound, our buildings and our environment sustainable. A place where we emerged stronger together