The Clock Is Ticking (Natural, Millennial, Gen Z, Conversational)

Video Narration


A naturalistic slice from Dipsea's 'Just Between Us' series, recorded to sound off-the-cuff and almost documentary-style.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the clock is ticking but I swear to God it's like it's like it's not moving, you know? And I'm just sitting there thinking why isn't the clock moving? Why why is it so still? Right? And I just start tapping my foot which is an extension of my heart beating out of my chest. And so I crossed my arms like trying to trying to contain it, you know? But then no I hadn't crossed because I don't want to see him you know unfriendly and intimidating. And what if you see that, that's what I'm doing. What if you noticed that? And it's like I just it's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. I'm ridin I don't know your name yet. I don't know I'm like this but I just it's the first time that I cared what you thought about me.