Character Demo Reel



This reel demonstrates a broad range of characters and emotions:

1. Admonishing headmaster
2. Drunk/tired squirrel
3. Angry senator
4. Instructive reporter
5. Regretful/dying gangster
6. Depraved villain
7. Inspirational military officer
8. Desperate geek
9. Rallying announcer
10. Frightened guard

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Darren Kyle character demo reel, Disrespecting stuff. Oh, I'm scared of you, Hopkins. I don't feel so good now. You guys enjoy yourself at all. Yeah, I'll probably see you sometime next week. I'm going to have your ***** up on soon. And their ******* charges. Your great grandchildren will be answering subpoenas. This is a waiting game. Both sides prime to retaliate in the event of a preemptive strike. I don't give a ****. Oh, ****, man. Had no choice failing to save this. This fall of a city war is a contact sport. To set their defensive line, please. I've got homework. Okay, I'm frightened. And I've got a weak bladder Introducing one of those Pearce's five m in the galaxy, Wraps it. I saw a doctor try and get out. He was, he was torn apart, thrown in the water. He never stood a chance.