Dragon's Den original TV spot

Profile photo for David Schaufele
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


This audio track is from the original Japanese TV promotion video for the popular Dragon's Den TV show licensed in the North American market.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Dragons Devon's death either do it or don't. You need the strength to make us believe in you here today. I'm only concerned whether or not you'll succeed. Don't waste my time. Yes or no. Say that to my face. You're not qualified. Just forget it. You're not worth the effort if you let your mark stick to it. Commercial law says, calling yourself a corporation when you're not is fraud. Get out of here with that attitude because I'm chinese. The problem is that no one will even take a look at my proposal. We're all from the same asia. So why do some have to be looked down upon frankly speaking. I really don't think that your ramen tastes very good. What a joke. Who do you think you are anyway, aspiring entrepreneurs trying to convince company presidents to fund their startup businesses?