David Purkey Animation Reel

Profile photo for David Purkey
Not Yet Rated


David Purkey Animation Reel Produced by David Purkey Studios

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
look out. Are you okay? Oh, that was a close call. But you're safe now. I fought him off. Oh God, you're bleeding. I can't stand the side. Saya blood. Hey, that type of talk may be okay where you're from, but if you say any of that glory to the king propaganda here, you're dead. Do your job and keep your head down. You think you're safe in your ivory tower? Take a look under it. Take a look at its foundation. Hundreds, thousands of bodies crawling, demanding, screaming, their calling, calling for you. Hey, welcome. Welcome. Oh God, Welcome to the quick Cat cafe. I'll be right with you. I just gotta, Whoa, whoa. Oh, hey girl looking pretty cute in that. Did you know that kissing Burns calories? Crazy. Right. Do you wanna work out sometime?