David Purkey Video Game Reel

Profile photo for David Purkey
Not Yet Rated


David Purkey Video Game Reel Produced by David Purkey Studios

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
No, no, no, no, no. You're gonna be OK, OK, OK, breathe with me. No, no, don't close your eyes. Don't know, babe. Paper, you promised. Okay. What about What about Allison and lucy babe? You promised we're going to grow old together and have two daughters and a little farm house by the river, just like you promised. Unfortunately, the ice storm outside caused R. D. D. S to fail as far as what that debris is. I have no idea. But we're gonna find out. Doctor. Continue your care for. Mr pisses. Miss Pegasus. Please join me on the command deck. Sit down and shut up, boy. When the ray gun is fully aligned, your world will be disintegrated, alignment failed, bugger. You know? I don't think you understand all my life. I just wanted to be free and you. All you wanted was to be safe. You go to ****.