English language.



Displaying my ability from documentary narration to instructional narration.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
for travelers looking to play an epic round of golf ST andrews Scotland is the perfect destination dubbed the home of golf. This picturesque town is known as the birthplace of the sport, explores many historic courses, then celebrate your win at the world famous Dunvegan pub. Kyrie Irving knew from a young age that he would someday be a basketball star. After his fourth grade youth team got to play on the New Jersey nets court. Young Irving wrote, I will play in the N. B. A. I promise and the kid wasn't wrong. After being drafted in 2011, Irving was quickly recognized as rookie of the year. The Serengeti is home to some of the fiercest apex predators on the planet. This is where lions stalk their prey, where black mambas attack, where cheetahs hunt with unmatched speed. The now crocodile rules these african waters, waiting silently to ****** its next victim to improve your putting stroke. Start by making sure the putter is the right size for you. Next work on keeping your stroke consistent, it should feel relaxed and natural. The key is to roll the ball instead of hitting it as you make impact, keep the putter head low to the ground.