Executive Power - Prince Omar

Profile photo for David Brewster
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This demo is a snippet of (Executive Power) Chapter 5 page 36 from the series of novels by best-selling author Vince Flynn.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
After adjusting his white silk robe, Omar began stuffing and throwing pillows about his body until it was supported just right. David, watch with all this amusement, he had seen photographs of the prince and his younger years. Omar had once been a handsome and slender man. He had been an international playboy, one of the world's wealthiest men. He jetted from one continent to the next, always attending the best parties. Now, in his early fifties, he was including his right. All of the hard years had finally caught up with him. After his 50th birthday, he entered a downward spiral of depression sparked by the realization that the party could not go on forever. With his depression came great mood swings, an assembly, insatiable thirst for a plethora of Isis. Three servants in Chris white tunics and black pants stepped onto the Sunday and formed a conga line right beside the prince. They all held gold trays overflowing with various things. To Prince. My desire just serving the prince was not enough. These men were to predict his needs, so when the prince decided he wanted something, it appeared as if he had anticipated it with every whim the first servant presented a tray with cigarettes. Omar snatched one. The servant held a diamond studded gold lighter to it. When the cigarette was lit, the man about and peeled away, only to be replaced by a second man who held a tree of drinks for the prince to choose for him. There was an orange one, a red one, a pink one and even a blue one and all of them perfectly garnished with scores of fruits and vegetables. Omar B. Jewel fingers danced above the glasses while his tongue tried to decide which one it wanted. He picked the pink one, took a sip and then put it back with a sour expression on his face. Quickly, he zeroed in on the red one, which David assumed was a bloody Mary. After taking a long sector of the straw, he waved the servant away and stared at David For a long moment. Prince Omar admired the Palestinian. He had goods, he had brains, and he was dashingly handsome. If anyone other than his family members had just awakened him, he would have told Davon to have chunk throw them into the sea. In fact, now that he thinks about it. There were several family members he would have thrown in the sea anyway, and they had have even interrupted asleep.