English Commercial Demo

Television Ad


Sampling of commercial/ business work, including a sprinkling of character :)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) Spanish (Puerto Rican)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey you Yes you. Are. You looking to save money on your insurance at american National. We can help protect the things that matter most to you from auto home life and more. We can review your needs to help you choose the right coverage along with the right savings and discounts. Does that sound good to you? Free checking? Also, free popcorn. Just two more reasons to be a member of nature's federal credit *****. Taking a census is as easy as making a mango Nala. You can take the census by mail by phone or online and everyone should take the census even if you're undocumented, turn your baby's bath into a lullaby. Nothing helps settle down. A fussy baby like a warm bath and johnson's bedtime bath. It's me again. The last living germ. Why am I here? I fear death because I saw every germ I know it eliminated with a single list. So form disinfectant spray. I must have abandonment issues. I think we had a real breakthrough here today.