Sales Voiceover

Profile photo for Deborah Edwards
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


I recorded the audio portion for a sales video for a software company.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
as school administrators, it's your job to keep your school district or diocese running as smoothly as possible, relying on a student information system that's just okay versus one that really works. Could mean the difference between hours of extra work or finishing tasks with a push of a button. Reddick or Softwares Admin Plus Student information system provides schools with a powerful cloud based solution for managing your entire school attendance report cards, master scheduling, student billing real time reporting, centralized data management for districts and diocese. The list goes on. Mm plus comes packed with the tools and features. Schools need to keep up with their day in and day out operations. Time to round up your students. Grades for reporting admin plus pairs perfectly with Reddick or Softwares Online. Great Book solution, Teacher Plus Web. Great Book. Your teachers enter their students, grades, test scores, skills and standards through the teacher plus grade book. The data then flows into and then plus where it can be compiled into the records. You need boost school to home communication by sharing grade reports directly with parents and students online. With the addition of radical Softwares, mobile ready plus portals. Your families will get instant access to the data you choose to post and it's not just grades, share attendance schedules, discipline schoolwide alerts like delays in closings, staff directories and more ready to create your schedules for the upcoming year. The master schedule builder in an M. Plus pulls together all the necessary information like course requests, teacher availability and class size restrictions to automatically generate the best combinations for your master schedule. So stop wasting time and money with an S. I. S. That's not quite up to par and switch to one that truly meets your school's individual needs. The admin Plus S. I. S. Was made by educators. For educators with four decades of experience, reading or software understands the needs of public and private p. K. Through 12 schools and when you commit to us, we commit to you. Training and support are always available when you need it from phone and email to online video and e guides, Even weeklong training workshops we've got you covered. So if you're a school administrator considering a new S. I. S for your school district or diocese, give Reddick or software a closer look. Get started today by calling us at 800 to 139860 or send an email to sales at register dot com. You can also visit Reddit dot com to see a free online demo of the um, M plus S. I. S, as well as teacher plus grade book and Plus portals.