Commercial voice samples

Profile photo for Deziree Bomberger
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Professionally produced commercial medley highlighting the variety and range of style of my voice.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
for the most up to date information on cat care. Subscribe to Cat Source magazine. It's the only publication to give you the latest on nutrition, health and safety for your feline friend. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I want with my lady luck scratch off ticket I can with all sorts of prizes. My firstborn, I'm trying to do everything right. When I went to choose diapers, I had no idea there were so many brands. My doctor recommended snuggles. I can't believe this only has 100 calories. Finally, something that's really delicious, but it's actually good for you. Let's go Taiwan on. My best friend uses that joke every Friday night when it's time to head over to the hitching post saloon and eater. How do we improve America the same way we've always done it. Let's build on the success of the last six years reelect Senator Melissa Levitt. This place is wonderful. How did you hear about it as a travel agent? I love it. When a client asks me that. So let's be sure every hotel I book is top notch. I check the blue guide was wrong with this darn thing. All I wanted to do was email the memo to everyone. So I decided to use the same program. The pros use Email 911. I'm dizzy bomb burger. Thanks for listening. Yeah.