David Dudley Commercials/Narrations

Profile photo for David Dudley
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
as an employee of El Corn Holdings, you are among the best in the industry. We know that because frankly, if you weren't among the best, we wouldn't have hired you. Your commitment to quality and safety make you an important member of the elkhorn family and is a member of that family. We have made a commitment to you. This is tough book territory. Tough book territory is not only a place where tough work happens. It's an attitude, a badge of honor that says This is my work. Consider the power of light. It reaches us from the deep expanse of space. It reveals worlds beyond our minds reach. It inspires us to build monuments of devotion. It even defines whole cities and humbles us with its beauty. There's nothing like a great story. And when its your family story with the people, places and events the lead to you, it's even more meaningful. Ancestry has created a whole new experience that can help you tell stories that live up to the remarkable lives of your ancestors, with features and enhancements that move beyond showing names and dates and help you get closer to knowing them as people every day up to 200,000 tons of crushed or travel along this five mile conveyor system, much of it underground to the Coppertone concentrator mixed with chemicals to release the or a rich concentrate is pumped to the Kennecott smelter and refinery. We're up to 1000 tons of high purity copper cathodes and thousands of ounces of gold and silver by products are produced. Who is Centurylink? We are a technology leader way. Help businesses move decisively with speed and confidence to keep pace with global competition. Few people have what it takes to do what I do. I am a voice actor.