Male/Female E-Learning Team-Doug Douglas and Lane West



Doug and Lane work together to voice your script and take any topic from mundane to fun and engaging! Medical, Financial and Technical topics are our specialties!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to the final module in this nursing documentation course, I'm Jill, along with Mark Page. Oh, I see that this module is about Elektronik documentation. Does this mean we'll be talking about using computers to keep track of crying Health information? Yes, that's right. So, Mark, have you used electronic documentation? Yes, I have in my practicum is and at a couple of hospitals where I worked before we continue. Let's review the definition of credit first. That's a good idea, Sarah. From a literal perspective, credit has nothing to do with money. What about loans? I thought that you use those for education. Most people do. Jeff, you see, Not everyone qualifies for a line of credit, especially when they're young and just starting out. They may qualify for a loan, however, so let's talk about how do we know the wound is healing? Well, general signs of healing include decreased length and depth of the ulcer, progressively less exit date and changes in tissue type from les de vitalized tissues to healthy tissues. So are you saying that I can detect the type of bacteria in the wound by their smell? Theoretically, yes. But unless you have some bloodhound DNA. And you Most humans don't have that acute a sense of smell. Well, that's do bet. I thought that I might be able to develop another specialized diagnostics kill.