

For a museum kiosk presentation about WW2. Completed job.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Jen's took us back in the cloud cover and broke radio silence to notify the ships of what we've discovered. He then decided to make a run on one of the Japanese ships. Although we only had depth charges to release down, we went on a run and dropped it on one of the bigger ships. As we passed over it, I could see their crewmen running around the deck and panic with our plane being shot at by the gunners and me scraping them with the 30 caliber, probably also in panic And Ken's soder firing his 50 caliber ball turret gun. Soon we were back in cloud cover, having escaped unhurt by their firepower. By this time, Japanese shells were dropping around our group of ships, so we were not allowed to land on the Kardashian Bay or any carrier. We were told to find a newly made runway onshore.