In the Shadow of the Deep State

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Not Yet Rated


This is a book about politics and the operations of government.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


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in the shadows of the Deep State. A Century of Council on Foreign Relations. Scheming for World Government by Arthur Are Thompson, published by Western Islands, narrated by Daniel. No towel forward. The world is awash with problems, and the United States is no different. Many people are asking the question as to why we have seen the United States heading in the direction that has been. When enough people ask questions regarding just about any issue of the day, we see solutions being offered that often make matters worse. Too often, these solutions point to government is the answer, but his government the answer. Government solutions can also be a problem, since they extend the reach and scope of government and build the power of government to the detriment of the individual in local community and particularly of individual freedom. What most have not realized until recently is that what appeared to be spontaneous suggestions for more government are actually an agenda being implemented by a concerted organized group to bring about socialism not only in America but around the world. Here in we confirm that there is such an agenda, we shall touch on those behind this agenda since just recognizing the agenda is not enough, it is important to expose those who are behind it. In order to stop the march towards socialism, we will show that one of the key organizations that has been in the forefront of implementing it is the Council on Foreign Relations. CFR. We start this book based on the idea that knowledge is power. With knowledge comes the power to remain a free people. Every country that yields to totalitarian ism does so because the people lack the knowledge to thwart the designs of evil men. We hope this book will add to your knowledge of what has been happening right before. Your eyes and your eyes will be open to the dangers of continuing down the path our country has been on for the past several decades. This book will not document in excruciating detail every aspect of what is discussed. The objective will be to point out that in every case, members of the Council on Foreign Relations and those who orbit around the CFR have been in charge or influenced the outcome. For those who wish to explore the problems in more depth, we shall offer suggestions from time to time, indicating where the reader may go for more detailed information or to verify what we point out. The CFR is the prime organization that today constitutes what has become known as the swamp or deep state. More often than not, CFR members have been one or two layers down from the public image of government financial institutions in academia, where the public does not notice them or even have any knowledge of them. We will demonstrate this over and over again. We shall demonstrate the influence of the CFR to such an extent that it reminds one of what James Madison, the fourth president, said in the Federalist Papers. The accumulation of all powers legislative, executive and judiciary in the same hands, whether of one a few or many and whether hereditary, self appointed or elected, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny. Our intent is not to teach history as much as it is to show how history has been made by a select few behind a curtain of deceit. You may know certain facts are false, So isn't it possible that other fax or falls as well here in you will learn the facts generally unknown. Quote unquote history is based upon what has reported his news. So the same deep state that controls the news also controls history. There will be times that were repetitious in order to make a point and be reminded of that point, since it is so important that we understand it and retain it and are thinking as we go forward, this will help the reader to remember these points as they read, hear or see The Daily News. An international slant is involved in nearly every solution proposed today. Although the connection is not well known, it is a hidden bond. We shall bring this connection forward as we progress. Our country was founded on the principles of liberty which have been ingrained in the American people prior to the war for independence. Had they not been ingrained, there never would have been in American resistance to the tyranny imposed by the British Empire. Many of these principles have been lost today and the education most Americans receive even in private education. This handicaps the ability of those who have only had an education in the public sector, particularly to even begin to understand that some things were forbidden by the Constitution or American habits within the ethical basis of our society. The truth be told, the owners direction from England that time was in many ways petty compared to what our government is doing today. Yet Americans tolerated to see why globalism is not a remedy to our country's problems. Look at the proliferation of foreign entanglements that are a prime ingredient of the internationalist agenda. These treaties and trade agreements bind our economy into international commissions and organizations rather than leaving our country free to make its own decisions within a free economy. Once the country loses control over its own economy, that country is no longer independent, are able to make major political decisions by itself. Our country's founders understood this principle. It was one of the main principles for which they fought England to control our own economy, George Washington said in 17 96 quote. Tis are true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world end quote, Thomas Jefferson said in 17 99 quote Commerce with all nations Alliance with None should be our motto. End quote. And in 80 no one, he said quote. I deem the essential principles of our government peace, commerce an honest friendship with all nations entangling alliances with none. End quote Thes wise words of our past presidents and founders, as well as those of many more early American leaders are forgotten today in the quest for international alliances, whether for military purposes or trade. The purpose of government is first to maintain our independence and second, to protect our God given rights of life, liberty and property.