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In-show narration for TV / online streaming content. Engaging, conversational reads with modern flair and relatable sound.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
with a confidential informant on the Block Special Unit prepared to take down the cartel leader, but there was no room for error in drug warfare. Mistakes can get you killed. It's the first day on a new ward for Laurie, 1/3 year resident, and she's nervous. Okay, she's worked in other hospitals before, but this assignment is a little different in a place where good and evil exist. Putting your trust in the wrong person can cost you your life. This is the true story of predator and prey. This is diabolical. Nature has provided some of the most beautiful and most dangerous waves in the world. Surfers come from all over to put their lives on the line. It's December 1948 in a small town in South Australia. An unidentified man is found dead on a pier. He had no wallet. He carried no identification. All the labels on his clothes had been removed