Audiobook - Children's Book



From \"How to Babysit a Dinosaur\" by Jennifer Gaither.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
How to Babysit a Dinosaur written by Jennifer Gaither.
The office phone rings, a new call is coming through.
"You've reached The Babysitters... how can we help you?"
Mr. Rex bellows out, "Can you help us with our tyke? We're in need of a sitter while I golf with the wife."
"Mr. Rex, you're in luck," The reception lady replies, "for your Baby Rex, I'll send one of our best guys. Steve likes spending time exploring the outdoors and he's great with reptiles, he'll take care of yours."
Steve arrives with his pack at the mouth of a cave, as he's greeted out front with a big T rex wave. Mr. Rex and his wife are as tall as a tree.
"This is wild," mumbles Steve, "Glad the office sent me."
"The rules in our household: We listen to mother. We don't roar at neighbors and never eat others." They kiss Baby Rex, "See you later tonight!" Steve looks at the baby and swallows his fright.
"Let's play!" Steve calls out, leading Rex to the yard, but gentle play with a dino proves to be hard. A T-Rex can't catch, 'cause balls pop in his claws and he's too big to wrestle, plus, there are those jaws. Forget hide and seek, his tail gives him away. Stacking blocks is a challenge. What can a Rex play? Steve tries to play chase, but baby wants to attack. Guess it's time for a break. So Steve makes a snack. A predator's diet is mainly all meat and you wouldn't believe how much babies can eat.