Narration Demo


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There have been many theories about the formation of the moon, but most agree on one thing that the Earth formed first. But a new theory out of Cal Davis suggests otherwise. Scientists here claim that the Earth and Moon formed inside the same cloud of molten rock. But being smaller, the moon formed about 1000 years before the Earth. In 1928 Walt Disney and his partner up I Works developed the character Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Disney was convinced that this new character would be the biggest of his career. But Universal Studios owned the rights to Oswald, and they refused to share the profits with Disney. So he left Universal and created his own studio. His first character, Mickey Mouse, a Wolf's Knows, contains about 200 million scent cells, compared to about five million for humans. This allows the wolf to track prey from up to a mile away, but their sense of hearing is even greater. Under certain conditions, wolves can hear from US farce 10 miles away, making them one of the most perceptive animals in the wild. Remember, Dungeons and Dragons is a game translation. It's supposed to be fun and nothing kills the fund faster than an angry gaming partner. So if you noticed someone getting testy, where if you start feeling that way yourself, take a step back and ask why Dungeons and Dragons is not a zero sum game, everyone can hand should be able to enjoy themselves.