Commercial Demo Track

Profile photo for Edward Ortega
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


My Demo showcases my deep, smooth and resonating voice. Promoting popular products and services such as Starbucks, Red Lobster, Roku and Miller Beer.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) Spanish (Mexican)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the day is over, but you're a long way from finished Starbucks Triple shot has three times The caffeine is a normal coffee, so you could be sharp when it really matters. This is what a fighter looks like. This is the face of never giving up support. M. D. A. Enjoying the fight against muscular dystrophy today. What do you get when you take end of this shrimp from Red Lobster and add our famous natural hot spices Endless? Wow, Get it while it's hot on Lee at Red Lobster, do you need a razor with five blades and an adjustable rear view mirror? Probably not with Dollar Shave Club. You get a great blade that Ah, wait, are you serious? Price? Pro Coup analyzes your viewing choices to recommend shows and movies you may not know about, but that you're probably gonna love. Let the binging begin Raku. You could sit around waiting for someone toe like your latest selfie, or you could go out for a beer and have actual human fund. It's Miller time