War Talk.

Profile photo for Edson Camacho
Not Yet Rated
Movie Trailers


Deep American Male , motivating soldiers to move. Heroic voice , Deep , Strong tone.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
If we make it over the hill, we could make it to the forest. It will buy his time. We have to try because they've almost got us boxed in way. Could still make it. We could still makes you that rock and work our way over the hill. But we don't have much time. Listen. Listen to me. I know you're scared **** right now, but if we stay here, we're all dead. Do you wanna live? Do you wanna live? Then we need to blast their way out of this and make it to that rock. It's our only shot. Then we push on to the forest and will be much safer there. And we can reposition ourselves if we stay here. Trust me. We'll be slaughtered like pigs. Are you with me? Are you with me? We need courage. Get crazy. Everybody get ready because we're going home. All right, we're going home. Boys, Let's go now!