Nairaworkers Platform

Video Narration


Nairaworkers is a freelancing, outsourcing, crowdsourcing platform that connect clients and freelancers from all over Nigeria.
In the audio I briefly explained what Nairaworkers is, its purpose and benefits.
What to do when you get started on the platform, eligibility.
The audio explanation is easy

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General) British (General) Nigerian West African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
everyone okay? I'm going to be talking briefly on now. Lucas now occurs is actually am. It's a freelancing platform on outsourcing platform. A crowdsourcing platform that connects clients to, you know, freelance says from all over Nigeria, it's actually named you and beast. So in this platform, you get two, get two sections to it. The parts Were you an employer or you hire people to perform your tax like subscribing to YouTube channel like your Facebook pages. You know, giving a review on a consenting on AP or whatsoever kind of business You do. It connects you to customers, people coming and then willingly go through your tax go trees off. Scribe it your channels. You know, a lot of stuff's on DH then the second part of it is at the freelance says those that work for the clients so you can sign up to narrow work as a freelancer on employer. As a freelancer, you you are the one going to perform all of these stocks and you get paid for it. You get paid for it For each tax, you get paid, you are credited. Its you are credited. Your account becomes credited. You get credited on DH. Then you know it's phone. It's an ending. Is an ending platform. Narrow causes an ending platform. I have already signed up to it and it's really, really wonderful. You end from narrow focus on Also, you hire people from narrow workers to love you. Your YouTube channel like it, you know now because it's so amazing. But it's only for danger ands. Thank you very much.