Animation/Interactive (Orcs, Goblins, Heroes, Warriors, Crazy Old Men)

Profile photo for Elliot White
Not Yet Rated


I wrote, produced, mixed and voiced this entire tape myself. I have a professional-level studio in which I record with solid equipment and sound-proofing. I can do many character voices and accents of varying ages. From fantastical to natural.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I don't even know what you're talking about. I didn't take the money. I didn't take anything. I just okay. Okay. Look, I took the money. Okay. But please do not. I got a wife, I got okay. I don't have a wife. I don't have any kids but I don't want to go to jail. Please. You let your grade blind you, you let your wrath overwhelm you. But your biggest mistake was that you made me your enemy. When you messed with my friends £1000 punch, there is no human and orc one separates with the other when one eradicates one's kind from this planet just as I will eradicate yours broadway. I'm coming to beat you. I do not know if your audiences will appreciate me the way I appreciate me. But I have trained in Shakespeare for my hey man, you can just tell Tanaka and say I'm not coming in. Lab sucks. I'm always paired with the try hard, like a more relaxed approach to school. You know, the key to being a good salesman is to never look the guy in the eye because then he's gonna do. You're lying to him and just honesty in the eye. You gotta look away, you gotta look away. You gotta sell crap for higher prices and that's the way to do it. My fellow soldiers tonight, I am not your king but your brother in arms. Should your weapon find itself in the dirt tonight. So will mine. You. Whippersnappers got some crack *** ideas. You got the next thing coming to you just because I'm old, doesn't mean I can't throw a punch as long as you missed the first punch, I'll beat you in a race if I break your legs first. Yeah. Hi, Jane. This is Ron. I know we said no contact. We broke up and everything but you still have my sweater and is the third time I called this week. So the mailbox is full. Goodbye. ****.