Ellora's Animation Demo



This cartoon/animation demo combines voices and accents from various projects and creations that showcase the wide range that Ellora can give to her voiceover performances and her many characters. She also recorded, edited, and produced the demo from her home studio.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Eastern European (General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
a loris and Gupta, please, Tallahassee, are you there? I'm always here. Is he? You know that if it wasn't for you, the Corporation was about to shut me down. But this feels wrong. Come on. You know, luna is the only one who can finish the triple turnaround track. How are we supposed to win the race without her Concord train departing in 10 minutes train from Las Vegas City arriving in five minutes. You Where did you come from? You were banished. No, you can't be here. Not now. Please look. You clawed their way out of the dirt. Then if that mountain brought a team with him, then it's agreed. Let's find somewhere quiet reporting. Hello, racer. Now your tour is about to start. Mm Just add a dash of rosemary here. The memories of a frog and the tears from a little girl. And then you want to now the Queen. Mm