Animation Demo

Profile photo for Emma Romasco
Not Yet Rated


Some samples of my character voices, video game clip, and singing!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh I just love it out here. Hello. Mr Bird. Isn't it so wonderful today. It would be wonderful if you quit talking to me. Oh did you just talk? This is it. This is the cave we're looking for. Okay You go first and make sure it's safe. Oh and don't die. I've been waiting my entire life for this moment now I'm I'm not so sure I want it anymore especially since that means leaving you. But you will always be in my memories with powers like mine who needs friends. It's a lot more fun to make enemies. Time's up third grader hand over the lunch money or to ring around the schoolyard with yours. Truly I've seen castles galore, mountains explored. But from this day forward I will rise from this day forward I will shine. Mhm.