A Father's Reflection on Raising Two Boys - Audiobook



Listen to me read about a fortunate father who was inspired to write a book about raising his two boys.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I am a fortunate man. By the grace of God, I have much more than I deserve. I have a lovely wife and two wonderful boys. Sherry and I are in our mid fifties, and as we plan for the next step in life, I somehow felt compelled to document some of the strange things which have happened due to unique circumstances. I have had the opportunity to tell parts of our story all over the country. The audience seems to appreciate my story, and many said I should write a book. Writing a book is for authors, not accountants, so I laughingly thank them and never considered being an author. Recently, however, I became aware of self publishing. And the more I learned about the process, the more I yearn to give it a try. Our story had been well received every time I shared it. So the more I thought about our experiences, the more I was drawn to the idea of putting forth the effort to write a book. I underestimated the amount of work, but I also underestimated the joy in the process